Scrying mirrors can be linked to a couple of historically famous mystics, Nostradamus and Dr John Dee.
Nostradamus used the reflective property of water as his mirror, this involved placing water into a bowl to which black ink had been added. He would then be covered by a dark cloth whilst he gazed into the water’s reflection. During this process, he would dictate his visions to his secretary who would write them down for Nostradamus to later transcribe into his famous quatrains.
Dr John Dee, was an astrologer and scientific adviser to Queen Elizabeth I. He followed a somewhat dangerous career path for his age, during which he managed to talk himself out of charges of heresy and treason. Dr Dee would scry with the aid of a black obsidian mirror which had been originally obtained from the Aztecs by the Spaniard Cortés. Obsidian mirrors were used by the Aztecs for the purpose of making prophesies. Dr Dee’s original mirror is now in the possession of the British Museum.
Interestingly, the founder of the Latter-Day Saints movement, Joseph Smith, claimed he obtained spiritual information by the “miracle of seer stone reflections”.
There are many views as to how scrying might work, however here we assume that the process of seeing is achieved by opening a pathway to our subconscious, using a kind of lucid dreaming or state between consciousness and sleep. Methods used to encourage such states have included, but not limited to, relaxation, meditation, self-hypnosis and the use of drugs. Nostradamus would apparently eat copious amounts of certain spices which he believed to have hallucinogenic properties (not to be recommended). We would however, recommend simply being very relaxed, which is not only safe, but is easily achieved through creating a conducive atmosphere.
When you start scrying you will need somewhere to do it. As mentioned previously being relaxed is very important, so you will require a space free from noise and distractions. You will not find it easy if the television is playing in the background or people keep popping in to see what you are doing. If you live in a busy household, perhaps waiting until everyone has gone to bed might be best. The light should be subdued, perhaps just a candle or two whilst avoiding distracting reflections in your mirror. Soft music and incense might help you relax and set the mood. Eventually you will create the environment that works best for you. Keep a pen and paper to hand and write down anything you see, you can use these notes to later look back and see if they had significance.
Gaze into the mirror and don’t try to force yourself into seeing things or seeking specific answers, this will simply impair your subconscious. Let your mind wander as it wants and eventually you will see shapes, swirls and patterns, if they make you think of something write it down when you finish.
Above all, don’t get disheartened, at first you probably won’t see anything, it takes time and practice. You can also try modifying your surroundings, different lighting or position for instance. Don’t be afraid to experiment, eventually you will create exactly the right atmosphere that works for you.
HERNE of Pagan Art
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