About Chakras
Generally, when referring to our chakras we are looking at the seven primary ones, these are.
7th Crown – Colour Violet
Understanding, personality.
6th Third Eye – Colour Indigo
Instinct, intuition, charisma, and psychic ability.
5th Throat – Colour Blue
Creativity and communication.
4th Heart – Colour Green
Love and compassion.
3rd Solar Plexus – Colour Yellow
Willpower, joy, anger, spontaneity, self-respect.
2nd Sacral – Colour Orange
Desire, sexual pleasure, reproduction, creativity, and expressiveness.
1st Root – Colour Red
Stability, survival, and physical energy.
Using the Chakra Pendulum Board
The procedure is largely similar to using any other dowsing board. Details are supplied with our free “Scrying – An Introduction” supplied with your purchase. The advice given is based only on our own experience and on using a pendulum with our board. You can use the pendulum directly over a person’s chakras, however, these procedures are not covered here and we always advise that you should research and find the method that works best for you. Assume that any advice given is to get you started not a definitive guide.
Firstly you need to establish that the pendulum will work with your board. Start by touching the pendulum’s tip to the board and then inquire, "Are you willing to work with this board?" Raise it slightly above the board and ask the same question. If there is no response, ask again but this time phrase it as "Will you work with this board, yes or no?" If the pendulum swings to "yes," ask it to show you both “Yes" and "No." If it swings to "No," try using a different pendulum or retrain the current one.
Once you have your pendulum working with the board start by placing the pendulum over the mandala, see above, the bottom center of the board. Now ask the pendulum to show you which chakras are out of balance. The pendulum should swing through one of the board's segments, the ones representing each chakra. If it indicates a particular chakra is unbalanced you have two options, first, rebalance that chakra and continue, or ask the board if there are other chakras that are out of balance, when no more are indicated you can then rebalance all chakras at once.
You can if you wish skip the step above and simply ask the pendulum to rebalance your chakras, this is quicker but does not tell you which chakras needed balancing.
Rebalancing the chakras using the board.
Place the pendulum above the mandala and ask it to rebalance your chakras. The pendulum will either rotate clockwise or anti-clockwise or may swing front to back or from side to side. Wait until the pendulum comes to rest, this may take a while or be fairly quick. Your chakras should be rebalanced.
Enhanced use of the board.
The above guide should get you started on using your board and pendulum, but there are additional things you can try such as placing crystals that correspond to the chakras on each segment to amplify the effect
HERNE of Pagan Art
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